Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Dada #10: International lectures labeling ignorance Ripper

Random Dada #10
International lectures labeling ignorance Ripper
NOTE: My dada tends to overuse bad words. If you'd like we can sit down and have a friendly conversation about dada.

International peace and stability. Lectures on world peace, looked like a target. We need to bring the message to the hearts of people, 1942 where was Hitler. Advanced aviation in Germany, major victory to defeating Germany. German metallic paper in Germany. German-made pencils with #9 lead, feels like a war wound. Do not pass out medals on the field of battle. 1910 1920 1933. Labeling national holidays on the 4th of June was not a good idea, eleven people farming in the fields of Ohio protested the cost of living, with twelve more coming. What's red with white stripes painted ignorance? Think it over and I'll pay you. Bombs and Jet engines, texting in class and past the bell? You live in a feudal society where Jack the Ripper reigns supreme. Is it a murder if you never held the gun? If it really bothers you, tell it to the judge. You only laugh because you can't understand me. My position is under the sidelines, lifting your seats to annoy you. Victims of a similar category of a Class-M planet, one of the prime suspects wasn't the killer. What cost will you pay? Kids these days, you're texting in class, on X-Box live, or playing remade games. I hate your generation. 100 years ago the killer roamed free. Unnamed types of lacerations, palisades, who was Jack the Ripper? You can gather evidence or dump the file.


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